State, Nation-Building and Politics in India
Sunil Khilnani, The Idea of India. Penguin India Ltd., New Delhi.
Madhav Khosla, The Indian Constitution, Oxford University Press. New Delhi, 2012.
Brij Kishore Sharma, Introduction to the Indian Constitution, PHI, New Delhi, latest edition.
Sumantra Bose, Transforming India: Challenges to the World’s Largest Democracy, Picador India, 2013.
Atul Kohli, Democracy and Discontent: India’s Growing Crisis of Governability, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U. K., 1991.
M. P. Singh and Rekha Saxena, Indian Politics: Contemporary Issues and Concerns, PHI, New Delhi, 2008, latest edition.
Rajni Kothari, Rethinking Democracy, Orient Longman, New Delhi, 2005.